MI MARIS d.o.o. has completed the implementation of the project “We care about the future - strengthening the competitiveness and efficiency by developing new production possibilities, investing in the construction of a new business building, technical equipment, new technologies and staff education”
On 9 March 2019, MI MARIS d.o.o. has completed the implementation of the project “We care about the future - strengthening the competitiveness and efficiency by developing new production possibilities, investing in the construction of a new business building, technical equipment, new technologies and staff education” (KK. The project was co-funded from the European Union’s European Regional Development Fund in the financial period 2014 - 2020 as part of the invitation to submit project proposals “Competitiveness and development of SMEs”.
Project duration: 24 months, until 9 March 2019
Basic project data:
Project title: We care about the future - strengthening the competitiveness and efficiency by developing new production capacities, investing in the construction of new business buildings, technical equipment, new technologies and staff training
Total project value: HRK 9,179,346.20
Total eligible costs: HRK 9,132,946.20
Non-refundable funds: HRK 3,017,520.00
Brief project description:
The project foresees the construction and equipping of a new production-business premises of the MI-MARIS d.o.o. company as well as supply of technical equipment and professional training for employees. This investment will result in at least 8 new job opportunities, 42 % increase in revenue from sale, 100 % increase in revenue from export as well as an increase in production volumes and newly designed products, which will contribute to strengthening company competitiveness and overall development of small and medium enterprises.
Objectives and expected results of the project are:
to construct a new production-business premises of the MI MARIS d.o.o. company and obtain the occupancy permit,
furnish the interior of the newly built production-business premises,
supply and put into operation warehouse and workshop equipment,
supply and put into operation measurement and calibration equipment,
supply and put into operation equipment for robotics implementation and industrial robots control,
supply and put into operation manipulation equipment for use within the warehouse,
train 1 employee for the energy manager position,
train 5 employees as gas boiler, burner and central heating-system serviceman,
have 1 employee with master craftsman training of electrical technician,
have 1 employee with master craftsman training of gas fitter,
have 6 employees with expert training for explosion protection and
have 3 employees with expert training for the TIG welding process.
Contact person for more information: Katarina Magić Koščević, e-mail: